Homemade Ricotta


Homemade Ricotta


  • 1 half gallon milk

  • 1/3 cup vinegar or lemon juice

  • 1 tsp kosher salt 

In a saucepan or pot, heat the milk until it starts to let off steam but not boil. Turn the heat off and add the vinegar. Let it sit for about ten minutes to let the curds and whey separate. Science!

After separating, carefully pour over a mesh strainer covered with cheesecloth or paper towel.  Let it sit and strain for 15-60 minutes for desired texture. You can always mix whey back into the cheese if it’s too dry.

You will be left with a substantial amount of whey, which can be used in many ways.  The ricotta and whey can be stored in the refrigerator for up to ten days. 


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